Each week I receive a report from a free site that follows the number of folks who land on my blogs. I can see which provider each visitor uses for internet access, what country, city and state they reside in, how much time they spent on my blog and how many pages they scrolled through.
I can also see which urls said visitors began at before clicking onto my blog. Some of those are weird. The Facebook links make sense, as do the ones that move directly from my website. But the "travel blogs" are odd. I can't even figure them out well enough to explain what I mean by "travel blogs," but there seems to be some random connection.
In my roundabout way I am admitting that I know that some folks check my blog fairly regularly to see if I have posted something new. A few wonderful folks check as often as a couple of times each week. I understand this because I am that kind of person myself; I will check for updates on certain sites often (i.e. several times each day) if that place offers something I find interesting. What is of interest to me can be as simple as the happenings in the life of a friend.
So, in order to honor the folks who are diligent about looking for new information, here is an update:
The new semester is upon me. I am teaching four classes. In the Fall I was teaching five. That last one did me in. I am hoping that taking the stress down a notch will enable me to write more often. This posting is a toe in the water.
I have still heard nothing from my sister. I do have the choice of dropping by the apartment where her mother-in-law lives, and I may pursue that. For now I refuse to commit; I am waiting for a sign. It feels closer than it has. We shall see.
Now that I can see beyond student papers, I am able to make some observations about the world around me. I'll try to keep those interesting.
I am still waiting to hear from the lit journal that agreed to publish one of my essays. In theory I should have a hard copy in my mailbox by the end of the month. (fingers crossed)
I will be applying to three schools this semester for full-time teaching work that will begin next fall. I'll let you know how that goes.
My toe feels fine. I'll make every effort to check back in soon.
Thanks for reading.