Lake Mendocino

Lake Mendocino

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I hate to complan, but...

I'm having a rough weekend.

Burnout--I just finished the Spring semester and am slowly working on the plans for Summer school. Then I will have to work on Fall. I am currently scheduled to teach 3 classes at two different schools this fall (one is new for me) and may be adding a 4th on in as well. I'm not complaining necessarily, but am not feeling the excitement I prefer to feel. I'd like more down-time, but don't have the luxury.

Pain--My back went out on me. What does that mean, you ask? It means that my lower back hurts a great deal, especially when I am upright and walking. This is annoying and depressing on several levels. It means I can't paint my ceilings (yes a real project I was really looking forward to) that will precede repainting my dining room and entryway with a color I don't despise. It means I can't go shopping, run errands, clean or walk my dogs. My back actually feels swollen in places. I'll be calling the chiropractor tomorrow. In the meantime I am trying to stretch and build muscles for support.

Worry--My grandson's heart is working very, very hard to keep him going. A bit too hard, it seems. Instead of waiting until he is 3 or 6 months old to do surgery, they may have to do it fairly soon. Let me be clear, I have complete faith that this young man will pull through just fine. I do. He is strong. But I as I write this he may still be in the ER with his parents and neither of them is responding to my text messages. Their not responding doesn't necessarily mean bad news, more likely it means no news. The cliche says that no news is good news. But waiting is really a bitch.

Missed Trip--Because of my back I couldn't make the trip to Las Vegas where my adopted sister is about to have her first baby.

Other stuff--that I'd rather not share on the Internet is also percolating away under the surface and likely adding to my IBS and back pain. Nothing life-threatening or horribly bad, just internal work.

The up-side: I am writing by updating this blog. Not the most fun, entertaining or exciting post I've ever written, but at least I am writing. And the drugs are helping with the back pain.

Mmmmm drugs.


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